Choosing a process mining tool

Process mining is the “hot” topic in our industry these days, and there are a sizable number of process mining tool vendors available in this space. However, the technology is still at the beginning of the hype curve and not a lot of organizations have established process mining as a standard tool in their process […]

Analysis In Solution Lifecycle - Title

Base process analysis

This is the first of a few articles about process analysis, and covers the “base” analysis of a process without dedicated tools (besides your architecture tool), or additional data collection, for example, for simulation or process mining. Those “advanced” analysis methods will be covered in the future. It does not aim to be a complete […]

Business Process Structure - part 2 title

End-to-End processes (process structure pt. 2)

After having a look at the functional business process view, we will have a look at a second process view in this article: the End-to-End (E2E) process view, which a lot of people are familiar with because this is how they experience their daily work. We will also have a look at the risk viewpoint, […]

Business Process Structure Title

Business processes – how to structure your process view?

Setting up a structure for your architecture can be challenging when you want to include the demands of all stakeholders and cover all use cases. For some architectural views it is easy – applications typically come in “flat” and might just have one level below in your meta model (for components and other viewpoints), or […]

Content import part 2 title

Model import into your architecture tool (part 2)

As mentioned in part 1 of this series, a model import as part of the implementation of an architecture tool can be a crucial success factor to get a new program off the ground and act as an accelerator for future projects. We discussed the first two phases (preparation and initial import) and will have […]

Episode 9 – Task Mining

This episode is a “semi follow-up” to the last episode, where we talked about Process Mining – today’s topic is Task Mining (aka Robotics Process Discovery). Task Mining will bring clarity into what your users do on a procedure level, and can give insights into what might cause a “spike” in your analysis, or fill […]

Existing content import title

Import of existing content (part 1) – a blessing or recipe for chaos?

One major point of the implementation of an architecture tool is the import of existing content. Organizations have years and sometimes decades of content in various formats available, that might be in various statuses – from “current” to “horribly incorrect”, “cannot be found anymore”, or “outdated”. However, it might be a worthwhile exercise to get […]

Process Mining title

Episode 8 – Process Mining

Another Monday, another interview 🙂 Our guest today is Dr. Julian Krumeich, Software AG‘s product manager for their process mining tool. In his current role as Director Product Management ARIS at Software AG, Julian helps customers achieve operational excellence by shaping the future of our ARIS Process Mining solution – the ideal tool for integrated […]

Screen Modeling title

How to model data (pt. 4) – how is data used?

In the previous articles of this series we have answered the questions “what is my data?” and “where do I store my data?”. We also had a look at where logical data is used. This final article about data modeling now has a second look at the where data is used and answers the question […]

Physical data model title

How to model data (pt. 3) – applications and physical data models

In the previous articles of this series, we looked at the major questions that will be answered when data modeling, and had a look at how to create conceptual and logical data models (part 1). We then looked at how logical data will be used in other models, such as processes or application landscapes. We […]

Logical data models title

How to model data (pt. 2) – more logical data models

In the previous article we spoke about the “why” and conceptual/logical data modeling. Today we will have a look at the distinction between canonical data model and information assets and the usage of logical data in application models and interfaces. The last two articles of this series will talk about physical data modeling, and lastly […]

Data Modeling Part 1 Title

How to model data (pt. 1) – why should I care and what are we talking about?

Data models are some of the things that I have seen the least often in projects over the last two decades. Why is that? Is it because it is too geeky, or not interesting enough compared to, say, a process model in BPMN? This is the first article of a series that talks about data […]