Ep. 80 title

Episode 80 – Execution-Aware Strategy: Dan Marquez and Craig Overmars

How do you bridge the gaps between Strategy and Execution, and how do you evolve execution as strategy pivots? That are the questions that are the topic of our podcast this week – the first of two episodes of a collaboration with the “Strateg-ish” podcast, run by our friends Craig Overmars and Dan Marquez, who […]

What Is Process Intelligence (and why should you care)?

Process Intelligence is a term that you might have encountered a bit more often these days, and one big driver of this is the popularity of Process and Task Mining. However, there are also voices out there who think that there is more to Process Intelligence than mining, and some who are thinking it is […]

Ep. 77 title

Episode 77 – Mergers & Acquisitions: Luca de Risi and Nick Reed

There was a big splash in the Enterprise Architecture tool market a few weeks ago – Bizzdesign announced that they will merge with Mega and an unnamed third party (which we will learn about in Q4 soon, but cannot name here at this time). But why these two (three) players and why now? Since we […]

Ep. 76 - title

Episode 76 – EA/BPM Misconceptions: Caspar Jans & Russell Gomersall

Oh, why do I need a special EA/BPM tool? I am managing my apps in a spreadsheet just fine.That is one of the misconceptions that I have heard over the last twenty-something years of me helping clients to stand up practices and increase their EA/BPM maturity. And there are tons more of those … Well, […]

Business Architecture Implementation

Episode 71 – Business Architecture Implementation – A User Story: Breanne Casteel

How do I get started? What is the first thing that I look at? Who will be my allies? What do I need to put in place? When you are tasked to build a brand new Business Architecture practice in an organization that has not had one before is a challenging task. When you have […]

Building Community: Heather Wendt

Episode 69 – Building Community: Heather Wendt

Why do some applications have a large following and their revenues soar, while others are struggling with making a sale and are virtually unknown? Or why do you struggle with building internal acceptance for your program? One reason might be that the former companies were able to build a community that includes not only users […]

Episode 68 – AI and BPM: Scott Armstrong

AI is *the* hot thing these days and you cannot pass any tool that does not have these two characters attached to it. That is also true for the BPM space, and this week we have the pleasure to speak with a person who is working in this space for over 20 years and his […]

BPM Adoption Framework: Caspar Jans

Episode 66 – BPM Adoption Framework: Caspar Jans

You have chosen to start your BPM journey and are now asking yourself the question “how *DO* I get started?”. Well, one way is to look at a BPM Adoption Framework, the other is to ask someone who has done that before. We are lucky to speak with someone who fulfills both criteria – our […]

Data Modeling - title

Episode 65 – Data Modeling

This episode closes out the mini series about data, and this time we talk about data modeling. Data models are some of the things that I have seen the least often in projects over the last two decades. Why is that? Is it because it is too geeky, or not interesting enough compared to, say, […]

Data Projects - Title

Episode 64 – Data Projects: Wiebke Apitzsch

A lot of projects are just looking at processes and applications. One thing that typically does not get the limelight is the data that is needed to empower these two things. But why is that? Is it because data is “invisible” and cannot be touched or felt? Our guest today is Wiebke Apitzsch, who is […]

BPM Implementation - A User Story Title

Episode 62 – BPM Implementation – A User Story: Martin Holling

This episode is a first for the podcast – we are not talking about something from an external perspective, but speak with someone “in the trenches” who is actively implementing BPM in an 160-year old organization. Our guest today is Martin Holling, who is working at Kemna (a road construction company in northern Germany) and […]

6-step approach to process mining

How to Ensure Success with Process Mining: The Six Steps Every Company Should Follow

By Roland Woldt Over the past few years, there’s been a lot of hype about process mining. Businesses across the globe are adopting mining tools to take advantage of data-driven insights that allow them to streamline their business operations. They do this to save time and reduce costs, helping companies achieve strategic goals and maintain […]