BPM Use Cases - Title

Episode 70 – BPM Use Cases

“I just bought your tool, now you have to tell me what I can do with it”. No kidding, that is what one client to said to me once. Well, here is a starter for you – in our latest episodes we are talking about the use cases for Business Process Management (not all of […]

Process Mining Data - Title

Episode 63 – Process Mining Data: Lotte Vugs

As we all know, the majority of time in a process mining project is in some form or fashion related to data preparation and a significant lower share of time is spent on the actual analysis. There are multiple ways of getting you data into shape (SQL, visual data modeling tools, etc.), but our guest […]

6-step approach to process mining

How to Ensure Success with Process Mining: The Six Steps Every Company Should Follow

By Roland Woldt Over the past few years, there’s been a lot of hype about process mining. Businesses across the globe are adopting mining tools to take advantage of data-driven insights that allow them to streamline their business operations. They do this to save time and reduce costs, helping companies achieve strategic goals and maintain […]

Process Mining Analysis - title

Episode 57 – Process Mining Analysis

You bought the tool and now the most critical question for your success comes up: “Now what?”. This leads to these questions: what can you do in the tools, what can you expect, and -maybe most importantly- what do you do after you’ve done a part of the analysis. You also need to have a […]

Podcasting and Architecture Title

Episode 55 – Podcasting and Architecture: Josèphe Blondaut, Jakub Dvořák, Mirko Kloppenburg

The way how we communicate and learn has changed over the last couple of years. One contributing factor is podcasting (or videocasting – we are no purists over here at What’s Your Baseline?). By now there are tons of excellent podcasts about Business Process Management, Process Mining, and Enterprise Architecture out there free of charge for you. We […]

Enterprise Mining Mark McGregor Title

Episode 48 – Enterprise Mining: Mark McGregor

We have spoken about Process Mining and data-driven decision making quite a lot on this podcast. But does it stop with mining processes? I think the next step is growing this field of data analysis to “Enterprise Mining” where the same idea will be applied to apps, data, orgs, risks, etc. And the idea is […]

Process Simulation - Title

Episode 47 – Process simulation: John Hill

We are at the next step of moving our organizations to the digital twin which will allow us to monitor “the plane” (our businesses) in real-time and compare it with the predictions of the future. This missing step is Process Simulation, a “thing” that existed for years already and was widely underused. The change though […]

Strategy to execution title

Episode 40 – Strategy to Execution: Dan Marquez

Developing a strategy for your organization seems like a mystery for a lot of people (and some organizations make a large coin from keeping that mystery), but in all reality it has a big part of “wild guesses” included. In this episode of the What’s Your Baseline Podcast we have Dan Marquez on the show, who […]

S4E2 Title Lean

Episode 39 – Lean and Process Mining: Sebastian Kotulla

A lot of people think that the work is done when they have a process be visualized in their process mining tool and a nice dashboard is built. Nothing could be further from the truth and our guest today, Sebastian Kotulla, talks with us about why that is. To bridge the gap between visualizing data/information […]

Ten things I've Learned - title

Episode 37 – (I can’t believe it is another) Ten things I’ve learned

Welcome to another episode of our podcast. In the final episode of the final season for this year, we are talking about another ten things we’ve learned over the years: Please reach out to us by either sending an email to hello@whatsyourbaseline.com or leaving us a voice message by clicking here. Additional information Credits Music by Jeremy Voltz, […]

5 Tips for Process Mining Webinar

5 Tips to deliver great results through Process Mining – Webinar recording

A week ago, I was the guest on a webinar, that was hosted by Mark McGregor and sponsored by iGrafx. Mark and I spoke about process mining in general, but also about the biggest mistakes that organizations make when it comes to process mining. We also covered topics like “do you need a process mining […]

Process Mining Use Cases - Title

More process mining use cases – What’s Your Baseline Shorts 8

A few weeks ago (in Episode 30) we spoke about how to select your process mining tool. And the conversation was so good, that we totally overran our planned time of an hour. But instead of leaving our thoughts about use cases for process mining, that are currently not implemented in standard process mining tools, […]