Data Modeling - title

Episode 65 – Data Modeling

This episode closes out the mini series about data, and this time we talk about data modeling. Data models are some of the things that I have seen the least often in projects over the last two decades. Why is that? Is it because it is too geeky, or not interesting enough compared to, say, […]

Process Mining Data - Title

Episode 63 – Process Mining Data: Lotte Vugs

As we all know, the majority of time in a process mining project is in some form or fashion related to data preparation and a significant lower share of time is spent on the actual analysis. There are multiple ways of getting you data into shape (SQL, visual data modeling tools, etc.), but our guest […]

Screen Modeling title

How to model data (pt. 4) – how is data used?

In the previous articles of this series we have answered the questions “what is my data?” and “where do I store my data?”. We also had a look at where logical data is used. This final article about data modeling now has a second look at the where data is used and answers the question […]

Physical data model title

How to model data (pt. 3) – applications and physical data models

In the previous articles of this series, we looked at the major questions that will be answered when data modeling, and had a look at how to create conceptual and logical data models (part 1). We then looked at how logical data will be used in other models, such as processes or application landscapes. We […]

Data Modeling Part 1 Title

How to model data (pt. 1) – why should I care and what are we talking about?

Data models are some of the things that I have seen the least often in projects over the last two decades. Why is that? Is it because it is too geeky, or not interesting enough compared to, say, a process model in BPMN? This is the first article of a series that talks about data […]