“I just bought your tool, now you have to tell me what I can do with it”. No kidding, that is what one client to said to me once. Well, here is a starter for you – in our latest episodes we are talking about the use cases for Business Process Management (not all of […]
AI is *the* hot thing these days and you cannot pass any tool that does not have these two characters attached to it. That is also true for the BPM space, and this week we have the pleasure to speak with a person who is working in this space for over 20 years and his […]
The age old question: how do you make your processes “evergreen”. Well, one way is to update your models on a regular basis (for example to comply with regulations), but is that really “the process” or is it just a picture of it? Your processes come to life when someone performs them and for this […]
This episode closes out the mini series about data, and this time we talk about data modeling. Data models are some of the things that I have seen the least often in projects over the last two decades. Why is that? Is it because it is too geeky, or not interesting enough compared to, say, […]
You might have heard it in the last episode of the podcast (Ep. 59: Process Inventory), that our guest Michael Schank has written a book 😉 That triggered two things with us – first, making a WYB Shorts about the process of writing a book and become a published author, and second, nudging Michael for […]
Managing change is hard – either managing organizational change or managing changes in the technology or architecture. In this episode of the podcast we are talking with Caspar Jans from Software AG about the latter and how to implement and operate a program to manage change. Caspar is a high-energy, fast learning and broad-skilled professional […]
When I was asked to write a guest blog for the guys from What’s Your Baseline (who also are respected colleagues of mine) I did not have to think twice. What I did have to think about is the topic of this blog and I started reading some of the blogs of their website and […]