We had a couple of episodes where we discussed the Solution / Process Lifecycle, but this time we look at it from the perspective of Business Process organizations. What we see is a distinction between the different disciplines that are needed to deliver a full solution and there are organizations that see a “them” and “us” between those.

Unfortunately, I see a lot of these organizations also display a “mercenary approach” (“I am just here to create this artifact”) and don’t show the ownership of their part of an solution architecture and the following implementation, roll-out, and monitoring steps. This hinders them being seen as valuable parts of the team that changes the larger organization, the IT landscape, the capabilities of the enterprise. And I have seen BPM orgs struggling because of that lack of acceptance by others.

In this episode of the What’s Your Baseline Podcast we talk about:

  • Phases of a BPM / Transformation project
    • Understand, Innovate, Transform, Roll-Out (& Governance), Monitoring, Continuous Improvement & Optimization
  • Where Processes and BPM (as discipline) intersect
    • Process Planning & Strategy (incl. bus caps)
    • Analysis of Business Processes
    • Design and modeling of Business Processes
    • Process Implementation
    • Process Monitoring and Controlling
    • Process Refinement
  • Other considerations in Process projects
    • Organization
    • IT landscape
    • Process definitions / library / standards
    • Cross-functional alignment
    • Responsibility and ownership
    • Sponsorship and executive alignment
    • Measures and dimensions for evaluation
    • Awareness and buy-in from community
    • Culture and strategy for people development and enablement
  • Team to assemble
  • Deliverables to expect

Please reach out to us by either sending an email to hello@whatsyourbaseline.com or leaving us a voice message by clicking here.

Additional information

  • In this episode we made some references to previous episodes


Music by Jeremy Voltz, www.jeremyvoltzmusic.com

  • CP1 (Welcome)
  • Whish You Knew Me (Interlude 1)
  • South Wing (Outro)