Shorts 1 title

EPC versus BPMN – What’s Your Baseline Shorts 1

This is the first podcast episode of the What’s Your Baseline Shorts series. We are talking about the topic of process notations, especially if you should choose the BPMN or the EPC notation. High-level topics include: What are EPC and BPMN? A bit of history Specialties of each notation, and difficulties that might arise Data […]

Shorts Teaser Title

We’re doing something new – What’s Your Baseline Shorts

Welcome to What’s Your Baseline Shorts! In this series, we’re distilling down our usual long-form content from the hour-long What’s Your Baseline podcast into a more concentrated and visual form (that’s right… you get to see our faces! At least on Spotify and on YouTube). But most importantly, these “Shorts” are brief focused discussions about […]

Episode 18 title

Episode 18 – Working with recruiters: Jason Jovanis

Another episode of the podcast, and we are having a very interesting and entertaining conversation with Jason Jovanis about working with recruiters – either as a candidate, or as an organization who is looking for new talent. Jason came to his job after 20+ years as a sales leader, who in 2018 had the crazy […]

Mining Your Business - Episode 31

Podcast – Mining Your Business guest appearance

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure to be the guest on Jakub’s and Patrick’s “Mining Your Business” podcast and talk with them about Process Mining and how it fits into the bigger picture of the process/solution lifecycle, and why process mining pure players tell their customers that they don’t need anything else but […]

Meet the Maker - Caspar Jans

Meet the Maker – Caspar Jans

The Meet the Maker Interview series is a fun and relaxed behind-the-scenes insight into people and what they do. Showcasing their talents as well as seeing what makes them tick. From ‘What’s your party trick?” to “You’ve got a week off, where are you going?” we want to know where they are and how they […]

Org Change Mgmt Title

Episode 17 – Organizational Change Management

Welcome to another episode of our podcast. Today’s topic is organizational change management, which is the counterpart to the previous episode of “Management of Change” where we spoke with Caspar Jans. This episode covers the “people side” of changes that are planned in your architecture and implementation projects, and we are covering the why, org […]

How we produce the podcast - title

Producing the What’s Your Baseline Podcast

Some people have asked about a behind-the-scenes look at how we are producing the What’s Your Baseline Podcast, and I thought it would be a good idea to show you how things work behind the “magic curtain”. Being architecture and process professionals, we obviously follow a process, and this article will show you the details […]

Choosing a process mining tool

Choosing a process mining tool

Process mining is the “hot” topic in our industry these days, and there are a sizable number of process mining tool vendors available in this space. However, the technology is still at the beginning of the hype curve and not a lot of organizations have established process mining as a standard tool in their process […]

S2E4 Title - Managing Change

Ep. 16 – Management of Change: Caspar Jans

Managing change is hard – either managing organizational change or managing changes in the technology or architecture. In this episode of the podcast we are talking with Caspar Jans from Software AG about the latter and how to implement and operate a program to manage change. Caspar is a high-energy, fast learning and broad-skilled professional […]

Analysis In Solution Lifecycle - Title

Base process analysis

This is the first of a few articles about process analysis, and covers the “base” analysis of a process without dedicated tools (besides your architecture tool), or additional data collection, for example, for simulation or process mining. Those “advanced” analysis methods will be covered in the future. It does not aim to be a complete […]

S2E3 Title

Episode 15 – Strategic process consulting in practice

Setting up a strategic process consulting practice or firm in our industry is not easy. On the one hand side you have the large system integrators/Big 4 companies, and on the other side you have the tool vendors helping setting up internal practices and capabilities. Finding your niche in that setup and build a sustainable […]

Ep. 14 title

Episode 14 – EA strategy and capabilities

EA strategy development is not done very often, but has many benefits. In this episode of the podcast, we are talking with Carlisle Gunn, an experienced Enterprise Architect, who we’ve worked with on past projects. Carlisle has worked in the Enterprise Architecture space for over 8 years with a focus on business and application architecture. […]