BPMN vs. EPC revisited – Part 2
I collaborated with Ivo Velitchkov on a two post series about BPMN and EPC that can be found here: https://www.strategicstructures.com/?p=402. This is part 2. The previous part focused on areas such as expressive power, readability and enterprise architecture. This one, written jointly with Roland Woldt, dwells on a few more aspects such as semi-structured processes, exceptions, loops and […]

Learning BPMN 3 – Which objects are available in BPMN?
The BPMN spec contains way over 100 different object types that can be used in the different model types. There are special rules about how to use them, which I will explain in later lessons. This article contains an overview of the available objects. BPMN Objects Overview Depending on your use case and point of […]
BPMN vs. EPC revisited – Part 1
I collaborated with Ivo Velitchkov on a two post series about BPMN and EPC that can be found here: https://www.strategicstructures.com/?p=361 There were several posts and discussions on the topic of “BPMN vs. EPC”. One of them is quite comprehensive and its discussion thread very interesting. But there are still many important points untouched and I’d like to […]

Learning BPMN 2 – Which models are available in BPMN?
BPMN is not one specific model type -like an Event-driven Process Chain- but is a collection of multiple model types that are connected to each other. This article will show the available model types in the BPMN 2.0 specification and how these are supported in ARIS (as of ARIS 7.1 SR9). BPMN model types The […]

Learning BPMN 1 – What is BPMN?
BPMN, which stands for Business Process Model and Notation, is a standard for creating process models and was created in the first decade of the 21st century by a consortium of industry-leading companies such as SAP, Oracle or IDS Scheer. The standard is currently managed by the Object Management Group (OMG) and the latest version of the standard […]